
Yearly Calendar

Growing strong and beautiful dancers with grace and confidence.


Yearly Calendar

Growing strong and beautiful dancers with grace and confidence.


the stage is yours

Can't wait to start?

Sign up for a first ballet class and let’s dance together.


”We absolutely love Caitlin Colleen Dance Academy! My daughter has been taking dance there since she was a little less than two and we love it! As a mom who wasn’t a dancer, I was a little concerned about the costumes and choreography I’d seen at other studios and am so thankful I don’t have to worry about that with CCDA. There are so many wonderful things I could say about Miss Caitlin and all the staff, but easily my favorite is the way they know, invest in, and truly love my daughter. She’s learning dance skills, but she’s also learning and seeing what it is to be a woman of strength, grace, dignity, and love. She loves to dance, and I love that it’s a safe place filled with amazing women pouring into her heart as well.”


“Thank you SO MUCH for an amazing week! I know Nyia is very active and dealing with her takes a lot of patience. It brought tears of joy to my eyes the way you let her just be her and learn in her own way. Every morning she woke up excited to go to class. I plan to have her enrolled in your academy long term. I know she will learn a lot from you and have a true appreciation for the art of dance.”


“We absolutely LOVE Caitlin! She is a wonderful Christian woman. She is so patient with the kids and has a passion for dance. I love her studio because she uses clean music, modest recital costumes (even for the older girls), and it’s convenient to drop off and pick up the girls.”


“God is using you in a mighty way to develop skills that my girls need in life…skills like confidence, poise, elegance….and many more…so thank you for teaching them more than just “how to dance”…thank you for being a godly woman in their life and great role model!!!!I love you and praise God for you!!!”


“Just wanted to share this with you… my daughter told me on Tuesday after class that she has never worked in dance as hard for any other teacher as she has worked for you. She went on to tell me she was in it for the costumes with her other teacher, but it is different with Miss Caitlin. So, thank you, Caitlin. You have awakened some kind of dance spark with her. I know nothing about dance, but I know this about my girl – she will work as hard as she is pushed. Keep up the good work and inspiration!”


“Your sweet spirit and the ways you connect with the girls do not go unnoticed. I also truly appreciate how you don’t compromise your faith, and I’m confident that each and every person you come in contact with gets a glimpse of Jesus’s love shining through you!”


“Elegant. Sets a wonderful example for all girls.”


“What an amazing experience this continues to be for my daughter. We love Miss Caitlin and EVERYTHING she has to offer!”


“Honestly, the most professionally run school of dance that we’ve had the pleasure of joining. Miss Caitlin is always on time with a smile on her face. I agree with her when she says that her love for dance is so contagious that my Peighton has caught it and is loving it. I highly recommend Caitlin Colleen Dance Academy!”



“This is our 7th year at Caitlin's. Her studio isn’t a place to only learn to dance, but it is a place ot LOVE to dance, learn teamwork, forge lifelong friendships, and doing all things in God’s blessing. Each year we count our blessings for finding such a wonderful studio, teacher and friend! We love our Miss Caitlin!!



“I LOVE & highly recommend Caitlin Colleen Dance Academy!! Finding a Christian based atmosphere for my 2 daughters was my top priority. I’m so grateful for the teacher’s love and devotion to all of the dancers. They do a WONDERFUL job communicating and keeping this busy mom informed. Thank you Miss Caitlin for loving my girls!”



“She told a complete stranger before we got there, “I’m going to dance. It’s my favorite thing in the world! Miss Caitlin loves me so much.” Never underestimate the impact you have on these girls… You are soooo special to them, and I am so thankful for the example that you are setting.”



“Caitlin Colleen Dance Academy is an amazing place for any child to be. I love that my girls go there and have a positive Christian role model who loves them. It makes me so happy for my girls to glow with confidence because of the environment and positive atmosphere they are in while dancing. I am so blessed my girls have found their confidence through dance!”


”We absolutely love Caitlin Colleen Dance Academy! My daughter has been taking dance there since she was a little less than two and we love it! As a mom who wasn’t a dancer, I was a little concerned about the costumes and choreography I’d seen at other studios and am so thankful I don’t have to worry about that with CCDA. There are so many wonderful things I could say about Miss Caitlin and all the staff, but easily my favorite is the way they know, invest in, and truly love my daughter. She’s learning dance skills, but she’s also learning and seeing what it is to be a woman of strength, grace, dignity, and love. She loves to dance, and I love that it’s a safe place filled with amazing women pouring into her heart as well.”



“McCall is so inspired by you. You are her role model. I am so grateful and thankful that she has found someone like you to look up to.”


”Our first experience at CCDA was when a friend asked my daughter to come along and try it during “bring a friend week.” Since then my girls begged to go to dance! As a parent, what I love most about CCDA is that the kids are allowed to be kids! It’s a Christian place that values the innocence of children and they teach the value of friendship and play as much as they teach dance. The kids are able to explore dance, make friends, and build confidence in an age appropriate environment. There isn’t an emphasis on perfection, but doing your best and having fun. I would recommend CCDA for any child interested in learning dance because the kids get so much more out of it than just dance.”
